Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How to lead in permanent whitewater

How to lead in permanent whitewaterHow to lead in permanent whitewaterIt has been my experience, that you never get out of the rapids the feeling is one of continuous upset and chaos. PeterVaillPermanent whitewater is the newnormal.In a relentlessly changing environment, the complexity of problems is increasing faster than our ability to solve them. Trying to play catch up breaks people down and burns them out.The dynamics in our work lives create unexpected undercurrents, but also pose unforeseen opportunities thats the beauty ofpermanent whitewater.To thrive, we must embrace its perpetually changing, uncertain nature.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moraMastering permanent whitewaterDealing with continuous change results in a crisis of fatigue, fear, and loss of control. Fighting what we cant control is exhausting your kollektiv needs to be energized emotionally and mentally so the y can lead and perform at their best.Ive learned that we must behave mora flexible at work I thought we were collaborating, but we were just scratching the surface.- workshop participantThere are three steps to lead in permanent whitewater, as I explain inthis webinar.1. Embrace uncertaintyIn his bookManaging as a Performing Art, Peter Vaill introduces the metaphor for the uncertainty and turbulence that shape business dynamicspermanent whitewater.We must embrace uncertainty, not as something temporary, but permanent.As Vaills explainsMost managers are taught to think of themselves as paddling their canoes on calm, still lakes. Theyre led to believe that they should be pretty much able to go where they want, when they want, using means that are under their control.(They think) disruptions will be temporary, and when things settle back down, theyll be back in the calm, still lake mode.But, as the author explains, we never get out of the rapids We will always experience continuous up set and chaos.When you realize the river will never be calm, uncertainty feels less threatening.2. Read thewatersThough whitewater feels random, its chaotic Its mostly composed of patterns. If you stop and watch a river or waterfall carefully, you can notice that some patterns are quite stable.Whitewater is formed when a river generates so much turbulence that air is entrained into the water body. It creates a bubbly, unstable current the foamy water appears white.Whitewater is exciting but also risky You can drown in turbulent waters, smash a rock or get stuck in river features. You must learn to read the waters before you jump into them.Training helps us understand the different patterns and rules to navigate permanent whitewater. Like in any space, to thrive in an uncertain reality requires formal training.3. PlayHowever, formal training is not enough We must experience the challenging waters first hand. Through play, teams can test the rules, break them, and mend them.Playing al low us to get used to practice and gain confidence in a safer space before we jump into more dangerous waters. Ken Gergen calls it Play with Purpose a spirited way of deeply, but safely, exploring patterns that create significant impact in the long run.I remember that, before my first Level 5 rafting experience, the instructors made us row against a strong waterfall. The water kept coming towards us, creating a strong force that bent the raft and put our spirits to test. It prepared us mentally and physically for the real action.Destigmatizing change in our daily lives departures by changing our attitude fun makes permanent whitewater feel less threatening.The approachTo thrive in whitewater, organizations must develop a human, adaptive, and innovative culture.Emotion ? Mindset ?BehaviorTeams must learn tomanage their individual and collective emotionsso they can reframe their mindset and, only then, can adopt new behaviors. The following is the framework we apply atLiberationist.Hu man (Emotions)Enduring change happens from within. Self-awareness is key the more you know yourself, the more you can lead yourself and others.By increasing self-awareness, we can identify the emotions that are at play. We can choose which ones we want to avoid, and which we want to use on our favor. Addressing our relationship with fear helps us understand why we resist the unexpected and also prepare for it.Self-awareness help us shift fromfear to fearlessness.Adaptive (Mindset)Managing our emotions is critical to stop resisting reality. Instead of fighting the uncertain waters, we learn to embrace their nature.An adaptive mindset requires letting go of perfectionism and expectations. We learn to focus on paddling what we can control not on trying to change the reality of the whitewater.Instead of trying to dominate whitewater we need to allow it to become. Focus on what you can control the input, not the outcome.Innovative (Behavior)To thrive in whitewater, great leaders tap into the humanity in their organizations. They see and liberate the best in others by creating a safe space for experimentation. Playing is not only permitted, but encouraged.Improvisation is a necessary skill to navigate whitewater teams must be able to think on their feet to solve unexpected problems. Creativity is a meta-skillfor the 21st Century It can no longer be limited to a few. Organizational play requires safe spaces in which to break the rules, make mistakes, and recover and the freedom to try it over and over.Mistakes are lessons to discover what doesnt work so we can then uncover what will work.The human side of whitewaterWe recently facilitated anotherhow to lead on permanent whitewater workshop, in partnership with Chicago Ideas. It welches an open session with executives from various organizations.Here are some of the key insights based on participants feedback.1. Vulnerability makes usstrongerYou cant transform a team or organization without going through a personal tra nsformation first. Personal development is the foundation of leadership development.The more we embrace our vulnerability, the more we can jump into the unexpected with an open mind. Usually, when practicing self-awareness exercises, people reactions are extreme they either challenge themselves or become over defensive.Arrogance is an ineffective defense mechanism. Some participants try to justify what they already know to present themselves as experts in front of others. At the end of the session, these are the ones who learn the least Luckily, they are usually a minority.Intellectual humilityis essential to experiment and deal with unknown waters.2. Leading is a teamsportWhen the water is shaking your raft from one place to another, you have to act with speed and determination. Theres no room for a command-and-control approach Every teammate must make decisions in the heat of the moment.To thrive in permanent whitewater requires turning the whole crew into change agents to democra tize leadership, as Idiscussed at this conference.Everyone has the ability and responsibility to lead.3. Pause to find thepatternKeeping our mind calm is essential to observe and reflect. Weve been trained to be constantly in a rush. We associate being busy with effectiveness and productivity. However, speed without purpose is pointless failing fast is not enough we must fail smart.Mindfulness allows us to become more present and wiser. Instead of running from one meeting to another, from one fire to the next, we must approach chaos with a calm mind.Even within craziness, theres a logical pattern find it.4. People feel safer with strangersEvery time I start working with a new organization, I cannot stress this enoughIf you cant build a safe space, dont expect people to become more innovative.In open workshops, people come with a more open mind than when attending in-company ones. Executives feel more comfortable to experiment and make mistakes in front of strangers.My boss would nev er let me do this,they always tell us.Building collective trust is not just necessary, but vital leaders must model behavior.You cannot navigate uncertain waters with people you dont trust.5. Get wet before entering theriverWhen we try to change everything, we end changing nothing. Small changes can create a larger impact, in the long run, than large ones - They usually generate more resistance than adoption.Thats why I like to equip teams with simple tools and methods they can implement within their everyday practices.Microstructuresare less complex processes and dynamics that dramatically shape how teams collaborate and make things happen. They can help redesign brainstormings, meetings, feedback, problem-solving, participation, and accountability. Rather than bringing new practices, start by improving existing ones.You have to go small before you go big.6. Get ready to fall off theboatOne of the participants said that innovation is only good if it succeeds. That for me is a red l ight. Of course, innovation that doesnt create results is useless. But, perfectionism and innovation dont get along very well.You never know whats going to work until you implement it. Purposeful play is finding the balance between results and experimentation. Playing without caring about the end result is a waste of time and resources. But, expecting every experiment to work is approaching innovation with a perfectionist mindset The reason many companies innovate, but fail to launch their innovations.If you dont want to fall off the boat, forget about thriving in whitewater.7. Go with theflowMy first experience on a level 5 river was exhilarating. At some point, we had to plunge down a 30 ft waterfall. When we were reaching the edge, it felt threatening.But theres a technique to everything. If you know what to do, and are confident about it, theres nothing to be afraid of. Actually, the less you resist, the more youll succeed. Sounds counterintuitive, but its true.Going with the fl ow is less dangerous than fighting the brave nature of whitewater.We went all the way down that waterfall. It was exhilarating and fun nobody fell off the boat. The best lesson to lead in business whitewater I learned it by navigating real river rapids focus on what you can control the input not on what you cant.You cant control whitewater go with the flow.This article originally appeared on Medium.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Friday, November 22, 2019

A MiniSensor for Brain Scanning

A MiniSensor for Brain Scanning A MiniSensor for Brain Scanning Magnetoencephalography is a non-invasive means for monitoring brain activity. The electrical signals that course through the brain, like every electric current, generate a magnetic field, and that magnetism can be picked up by special sensors. But while MEG has many actual (and potential) applications, the current means for picking up the weak magnetic signature involves donning a large, cryogenically cooled helmet.Recently, researchers at the Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt in Berlin, Germany, conducted experiments intended to demonstrate that the cumbersome helmet could be replaced by a sensor the size of a sugar cube.The German scientists, together with researchers from the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology in Boulder, CO, where the device welches developed, measured the alpha waves in the brain that were produced in conjunction with a test subject opening and closing his eyes.Quantum konzeptio n MPMS XL Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) magnetometer. Image source PDI-Berlin.deUp until now, researchers wanting to study brain signals with great sensitivity relied on a superconducting quantum interference device, or SQUID. These devices use loops of high-temperature superconductors to measure minuscule changes in magnetic fields as the magnetic flux passes through one of the loops, it induces a change in the flow of electricity through the circuit. Using specially shielded rooms and loops cooled to 4 K, an array of SQUID sensors can detect the magnetic fields created by the electrical signals from as few as 50,000 neurons firing.The new PTB/NIST sensor isnt that sensitive, but it has two huge advantages over SQUID helmets its cheaper and it works at room temperature. It also relies on a different means to detect magnetic fields. The active sensing material is a cloud of 100 billion atoms of rubidium. A property of rubidium is that its ability to absorb infr ared light increases if it is in a magnetic field. The sensor illuminates the rubidium gas with an infrared laser and then measures how much light passes through the less light, the greater the magnetic field.In tests conducted in a magnetically shielded lab in Berlin, the rubidium cloud sensor was able to detect a magnetic field measuring one-trillionth of a tesla. Thats still a factor of ten less sensitive than a SQUID device, but NIST researchers are hoping to improve the sensitivity of the light detectors in order to match the SQUID-based MEG.If a cheap and portable non-SQUID magnetoencephalography can be perfected, researchers hope that it will be able to open up new ways to understand whats going on inside our heads. Not only could such a sensor be used to map the brain in advance of surgery, but it could become the basis of a computer interface that uses brainwaves to control machines.To read the latest issue of Mechanical Engineering, click here.The new PTB/NIST sensor isnt that sensitive, but it has two huge advantages over SQUID helmets its cheaper and it works at room temperature.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Leadership Questions for Employers to Ask Applicants

Leadership Questions for Employers to Ask ApplicantsLeadership Questions for Employers to Ask ApplicantsIts very useful to have a set of job interview questions about leadership that can help you determine if your candidate is a good leader. These important questions serve to identify leadership capabilities for any individual who will be hired into a leadership role in your organization. Additionally, the most successful organizations foster leadership in all of their employees at every level of the organization. The following sample interview questions will also help you identify the leadership potential of your candidates for other company roles. Before the Interview Start out by understanding the qualities and characteristics that you seek in a leader. You may find some insight by first reading the ten characteristics of a successful leadership style. These will ensure that your questions are formulated to identify the right beliefs, traits, values, and experience. Questio ns to Determine If a Job Candidate Is a Good Leader The following sample job interview questions about leadership enable you to assess your candidates skills and experience. Feel free to use these job interview questions in your own candidate interviews or use them as the basis for creating your own questions. You decided to reorganize the department or work unit that you lead. Tell me how you proceeded with the reorganization? What steps did you follow especially with the employees who work in the department?Have you ever been a member of a successful kollektiv? If so, describe the role that you played on the team and in its success.Give me an example of a time when you played a leadership role in an event, an activity, a department or work unit, or a project. Describe how you led the efforts.Think about times when you have had to perform in a leadership role and tell me how people responded to your leadership efforts? Tell me about a time when you failed. How did it happen? How d id you handle it?If I were to ask your reporting staff or your peers to comment on your leadership style, your leadership strengths, and your leadership weaknesses, how would they respond? What would this discussion tell me about you as a leader?Would you rather that your employees respected you or feared you? Is there the opportunity in a leadership role to inspire both reactions from your employees?Tell me about a time when you created agreement and shared purpose from a situation in which all parties originally differed in opinion, approach, and objectives. As a leader within an organization, you must often build support for goals and projects from people who do leid report to you and over whom you have no authority. Tell me about a situation in which you demonstrated that you can build the needed support.In organizations, the direction often comes down the chain of command and so the initiatives you must implement were not developed by you. In fact, you may or may not have had i nput into their implementation. Tell me about a time when you implemented a required initiative with your staff. How did you go about the implementation? What are the three most important values you demonstrate as a leader? Tell me a story that demonstrates each of these leadership values in practice within your workplace.During your work experiences while attending college, tell me about a time when you demonstrated that you have leadership ability and skill. Leadership Job Interview Outcomes You are questioning to determine whether the candidate has leadership skills or potential. Seek to identify the leadership style of your candidate, from his or her perspective and from the perspective of his or her direct reporting staff and peers. Above all, however, make sure to know and avoid any Job Interview Questions That Are Illegal. The point is to determine whether the candidates style is congruent with the culture of your organization. It is helpful if you have already created a leadership profile that identifies the skills and traits of successful leaders within your organization. Leadership style is best demonstrated in stories. Self-examination and commentary are ?self-serving, at best, in an interview setting. Ask your candidates for many specific stories and examples. Read on for mora Job Interview Questions for Employers.